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Your Bowling Swing Speed

By:, Originally Posted: 6/26/17; Updated: 10/5/2021

If you are concerned about your ball speed, think instead of your bowling swing speed.

It is the pace of your swing which governs your ball speed.

Most bowlers look to increase their ball speed while others look to decrease it.

Regardless, the key to controlling your overall ball speed is the speed by which you swing your bowling ball.

A good formula is a loose swing coupled with a firm bowling wrist.

The reduction of muscle tension in your arm helps you achieve a swift and one-piece backswing to set up your forward swing.

Although it is near impossible to swing your bowling ball with zero muscle tension, you can relax your arm, neck, and shoulders as you begin to swing your ball.

Once you have completed your backswing, it is important to retain consistent gripping pressure with your bowling hand on your ball as you begin the downswing.

Avoid grabbing the ball to hurry your downswing, forward swing, and release.

It is possible to keep your bowling wrist firm so you can use consistent gripping pressure throughout your swing cycle. A firm wrist does not mean that you tighten your arm muscles and slow down your swing movement.

Everyone knows that loose muscles move swifter than tense muscles. Although tensing your swing may feel like you are swinging your ball aggressively, you likely are not swinging your arm as quickly as you may think.

One important key in gaining a reliable ball reaction is to deliver your ball at a constant, or nearly constant, speed.

Relaxed muscles with a firm wrist is a good combination to practice so you can regulate your ball speed.

Another key in releasing your ball consistently is to avoid decelerating your forward swing by trying to control the path your ball must follow to your target. Maintain fluidity to your entire swing motion. Feel a swift and tension free backswing followed by an accelerating forward swing movement. Make sure you complete your swing finishing in a full follow through position. Your bowling swing speed is critical to repeating quality shots.


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