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What Tips Can Help Me Become A Better Spare Shooter?, Originally Posted: 5/7/2015; Updated: 6/7/2022

If you ask what tips can help me become a better spare shooter, then bring the importance of good spare shooting to the front of your personal attention table?

Challenge yourself, no - dare yourself, to become a prolific spare shooter. Work at improving your spare conversion rate as hard, or harder, than hitting the pocket.

It can be boring to practice aligning and delivering shots toward spare combinations you routinely face in competition, particularly when you are practicing on a full rack of pins where the temptation to toss a strike ball shot is daunting.

At best, practicing shooting at spares repeatedly is no real entertainment.

Decide on the system you feel most familiar and comfortable with when shooting spares and then spend a minimum of three consecutive practice sessions working on spare shooting.

Adjust your alignment, the positioning of your feet on the approach and your sighting target on the lane, for the 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, & 10 pins and deliver shots toward each key pin until you become skilled at contacting each pin repeatedly with your bowling ball.

Choosing the right ball can be a challenge for spare shooting. Using a high tech ball normally used for strikes can be tricky when adjusting laterally on the approach and when selecting a target on the lane which requires crossing the lane oil at angles other than when you align for hitting the pocket.

Many instructors recommend using a ball which reduces hook and the chances of the ball hooking suddenly and unexpectedly when shooting a spare near the edges of the lane where less lane oil is typically applied.

It is best to consult with an experienced instructor to develop a sound spare shooting system, one you can rely on and one which matches your delivery style and local lane conditions.

Once you establish a sound and reliable spare system, then work at mastering the art of making good shots and converting any routine spare you leave standing.

Regardless if you base your spare adjustments off of your strike target line or a center-of-the-lane target, you must work to gain confidence that you can convert spares.

Whichever spare method you choose, develop a fierce commitment to becoming a great spare shooter, focus on each delivery with your full attention, commit to the shot, and then execute the shot.

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