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Importance Of Your Bowling Aim Point

By:, Originally Posted: 6/21/17; Updated: 10/7/2021

There are several factors which lead to the importance of your bowling aim point.

The obvious intent of focusing with laser-like precision on your aim point is to commit to a specific target to deliver your bowling ball toward.

You already know that just hitting your target is not enough if you wish to deliver your ball into the pocket repeatedly and to convert routine spares.

Your aim point should be on the proper bowling ball delivery path from the moment your call contacts the lane surface on its journey to the pins.

Once you determine your “angle of attack” for hitting the pocket or converting a spare, it then becomes key to take dead aim at your intermediate target along your chosen ball path.

Taking dead aim helps you commit mentally and physically to doing the things it takes in making a good shot.

From the physical game standpoint, focusing on your aim point helps you keep your head still while walking and swinging your bowling ball.

It also allows you to follow the same walking path to deliver your ball by providing an optical sight angle.

Committing to your aim point also helps you control your bowling ball delivery speed because you will want to bowl at the same tempo each time you bowl. This tempo pertains to your swing pace and your walking pace as well as the direction of both.

Your mental game is at its strongest when you know that making one good shot at a time toward your aim point will result in hitting the pocket or converting your spare.

Most bowling instructors agree that while walking and swinging your bowling ball you need only monitor your pace of movement and keep your eyes on your target.

Instructors relate to students not to think of each of every little movement your body makes when bowling but rather monitor your approach tempo and commit to hitting your target.

Avoid the risk of becoming too mechanical with your physical motion and not trusting yourself to be fluid by moving at a consistent pace every time you bowl. This same notion holds true when sighting a target on the lane. If you think instead of how you are walking and swinging the ball and not placing focus on your target, your accuracy may suffer.

Your brain is the real key here. It is your brain which remembers muscle motion. All you can do is train your muscles to respond to physical movement and have them prepared to function efficiently when called upon by our brain. In the end the real key to successful bowling is accepting the importance of your bowling aim point.


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