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An Efficient Bowling Arm Swing, Originally Posted: 2/1/2014; Updated: 12/19/2022

Many factors go into developing an efficient arm swing which leads ultimately to consistency and scoring results. An efficient bowling swing is exactly what you think it would be - a swing that requires minimum effort and has repeatability. All elite-level bowlers, amateurs and professionals alike, have repeatability in their swing.

An efficient and repeatable swing leads to solid shot making. Learning how to build an efficient swing is attainable for you as an everyday bowler if you are willing to put some effort into a few swing keys. Here are a few keys to help you build an efficient bowling swing:

1. Develop the correct kinematic sequence. Kinematic sequence is the order in which different parts of your body move throughout the swing. Focus on three main areas, your lower body, upper body and your bowling ball position relative your swing cycle. For example, a correct downswing sequence begins with allowing your ball to fall freely using the forces of gravity during the first 12 inches of the downswing from the very top of your backswing. A great way to feel a good sequence is to make an underhanded throwing motion. When you throw an object underhanded, as in bowling, pay attention to which part of your body moves first. Your step before your slide moves before you release your ball which is your lower body movement(your legs). Next, your upper body moves toward your target by virtue of the walking momentum you are gaining, and then and you release your bowling ball and follow through.

2. Master your posture. Efficient bowling swings require solid fundamentals. The spine angle of your upper body helps you create an athletic posture if positioned above your lower body properly (your legs). To guarantee your posture is good, you will need feedback. Great feedback can be attained by use of an experienced bowling instructor to watch you closely in real time, by a video, or by means of a camera snapshot as you enter into the step before your slide. These techniques will help you determine if your posture gives you balance and keeps you in position to make accurate deliveries.

3. Swing within yourself, then train to improve. Many bowlers physically limit their ability to make efficient swings. Strength and flexibility are two factors that can limit most players. Use balance as your guide to make efficient golf swings. If you find yourself off balance at any point throughout the swing, particularly during the release phase in your swing cycle, then chances are you’re over-swinging. Try and swing no more than 90 percent of full power to control your bowling ball speed, avoid losing balance, and strive to make accurate deliveries along your intended swing path. If you want to improve your strength and flexibility so you can make more aggressive swings, consult a physical trainer or perhaps a physician and get appropriate advice how to improve your overall fitness as it relates to bowling and to your age.

An efficient arm swing doesn’t just happen, it must be developed. With a little time working on your swing, you can improve the quality of your shot making and watch your scores rise.
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