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Add A Little Freedom To Your Bowling Swing

By:, 2/4/16

As a talented and very skilled player tuning your game, you may wish to add a little freedom to your bowling swing.

As a top level player, you know that when your game is less than its best the fix can be as simple as a minor tweak to a given component of your physical game.

This is certainly evident when it comes to your swing. If you feel you have been forcing your swing or release, no major change to your technique is generally an answer.

Let’s be clear, if you made an adjustment to your swing motion during a highly competitive event, you likely will want to get back to your “A Game” swing before your next competition.

Tuning your swing can be a simple matter as adding a small bit of freedom to your backswing motion by reducing muscle tension in your arm, shoulder, and neck areas of your body.

As you know, a free and consistent swing motion helps you release the ball very consistently, helps control your ball skid distance, and regulates your ball speed.

Next time you hit the practice lane, allow your backswing to free up a bit by using less tension in your arm muscles. You likely will feel your backswing speed up and get to the top of your backswing swiftly and without effort.

From the top of your swing, you can easily allow the forces of gravity to allow your ball to fall into the downswing and gradually accelerate into your forward swing.

The key is to reduce tension from the moment you get your ball started into your swing cycle and allow the ball to swing as freely as you can to the top of your backswing.

After making this minor adjustment to your swing, you will begin to feel an improved tempo to your swing motion and you likely will feel a consistent bowling ball release occur.

Freedom in your swing will no doubt help you improve your control and accuracy.

All successful competitive bowlers rely on hitting the pocket repeatedly.

Implementing a minor adjustment by adding a little freedom to your bowling swing will help get your game on track for your next important competition.

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