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A Loose Bowling Swing With Consistent Gripping Pressure

By:, Originally Posted: 4/23/17; Updated: 10/30/2021

A simple but effective tip is to use a loose bowling swing with consistent gripping pressure by your bowling ball.

Bowling instructors routinely advise to use a loose and tension free swing motion.

A loose swing is the most repeatable swing technique you can use.

The technique which makes a loose swing motion highly effective is to use the same amount of gripping pressure with your bowling hand on your ball throughout the entire swing cycle.

If any part of your arm or hand is to be firmly set, make it your bowling wrist.

When you take grip of your bowling ball in your stance position on the approach and prepare to bowl, retain the same gripping pressure on the holes of your bowling ball with both your fingers and thumb.

Ideally, your fingers should apply slightly more grip on the ball than your thumb.

By setting your wrist position firmly to avoid it flopping back and forth while you walk and swing your ball you will establish a fluid swing tempo.

Another key in releasing your bowling ball is to avoid grabbing the ball at the top of your backswing. Reducing the likelihood of forcing your downswing (the first 12 to 18 inches of your downswing) because of anxiety or by trying to apply more power to your release will allow your swing movements to be loose and and repeatable. Allowing the ball to fall freely into the downswing by not grabbing the ball harder in the downswing than in your backswing helps you to use gravity to swing your ball instead of excessive, controlled muscle tension in your arm.


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