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How Do I Become A Better Spare Shooter?, Originally Posted: 4/24/2015; Updated: 2/26/2024

If you are averaging in the 150’s through 170’s, in order to improve your average you must ask how do I become a better spare shooter?

Open frames hurt bowling scores. Some open frames are unavoidable such as ones resulting from big split leaves.

If you can convert more spares per three game league set than you presently convert, your scores will improve.

Here are some tips to improving your spare conversion rate:

*Place increased emphasis on hitting the pocket frequently on your strike ball delivery.

*Play the oil pattern properly so you get a consistent ball reaction on strike or spare shots.

*Adjust to changing lane conditions. If you adjust for a strike shot to the pocket, you likely must also adjust slightly for routine spares.

Although lane alignment adjustment options can vary, the quicker you recognize an adjustment is needed and implement your best adjustment, the fewer open frames you will encounter.

Hitting the pocket is the main priority for all bowlers, of course. Picking up as many spares as possible is also of major importance.

*Develop a reliable spare shooting system so you make the adjustments on the lane needed to pick up any spare pin combination.

Filling frames is a simple matter of getting a higher number of strikes per three game set than you presently do and then picking up spares you leave.

Hitting the pocket at a high level of consistency and picking up spares you leave is the formula to raising your average.

*Trust your spare shooting system and practice shooting spares with the same zeal you engage when practicing strike shots.

There really are no tricks to becoming an improved spare shooter other than using a system which works best for your game.

Make sure you use bowling balls which react very predictably when shooting at cross lane spares.

If you are unsure how to develop a reliable spare shooting system, work with an experienced bowling instructor to identify a system which best matches your game with local lane conditions.

Deposit more spares in your spare bank and watch your scores rise.

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