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Forward And Reverse Bowling Ball Finger Pitches, Originally Posted: 9/5/2013; Updated: 5/21/2021

A main concern the pro shop professional faces when fitting a bowler’s hand for a new bowling ball is identifying appropriate bowling ball finger hole pitches. Determining the proper span of the ball is not the only key to effectively fitting a player for a bowling ball.

Since each bowler has a different size and shape of a hand and has an individual delivery style, the bowling ball finger hole pitches become an important part of the pro shop fitting and measuring process.

It is important to realize that each bowling finger will open and close differently. The curvature of the bowling ball surface adds yet another challenge for your pro shop professional when measuring your hand.

Since each bowler’s hand is unique and opens and closes differently, care must be taken to assess the angles the holes must be drilled into your bowling ball so your hand fits comfortably and will exit the ball easily and smoothly when you deliver the ball.

Gripping hole pitch angles are measured both laterally (side to side) and from front to back (forward or reverse).

Pitch angles for your gripping fingers are commonly referred to as either forward pitches or reverse pitches.

Forward pitch angles are when the holes are drilled in a manner which moves the tips of your fingers pointing more toward the palm of your hand than away from your palm as though you were beginning to make a fist.

Reverse pitch angles move the tips of your bowling fingers away from the palm of your hand as though you are opening your hand.

Forward pitches typically keep your fingers in the ball for a longer time when releasing your bowling ball than do reverse pitches.

Forward pitches assist you in staying with the ball to increase loft distance over the foul line. Forward pitches may also be useful to help you complete your finger rotation when releasing your ball.

Reverse pitches enable you to exit your finger holes quickly without hanging onto the ball for too long of a time. If you have a tendency to overturn your ball by over rotating your fingers, using reverse pitch angles can assist you in exiting the ball quickly thereby reducing the amount of finger rotation you impart on your ball.

The amount of forward or reverse pitch angles measured by your pro shop professional will not necessarily be the same in both gripping fingers.

Your ring finger may have a slightly different degree of pitch than does your middle finger, so the gauge used to measure the angles drilled into the bowling ball will read slightly differently.

Normally, the pro shop professional will use a modest amount of pitch angles, whether the angles or forward or reverse pitches. Since you have a unique release, the type of pitch angles your ball driller will choose is designed to match and influence your delivery style.

If you have any questions about forward or reverse pitches, please consult your pro shop professional to gain additional information.

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