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How To Prevent Bowling Slumps, Originally Posted: 6/21/2007; Updated: 10/23/2023

If you wish to prevent bowling slumps, then it helps to "practice with purpose." Since professional bowlers fight to maintain a high standard of performance and thereby practice their craft with great frequency and with purpose, then you should expect to increase your time on the lanes to prevent bowling slumps. It helps to divide your practice sessions into 10 minutes increments and focus solely on key elements of your game during those intervals.

  1. For 10 minutes, work on balance and maintaining an athletic posture during your approach. Avoid any head movement during the approach and particularly during the release of the bowling ball. Keep the head steady at all times.

  2. For the next 10 minutes, focus on a consistent pace or tempo of footsteps. Try and avoid accelerating your steps excessively as to allow sufficient time for your arm-swing to match in tempo. Count cadence allowing about one second on each step until you release the ball. The final two steps of your approach are the most critical. Try and strive for a consistent pace of steps.

  3. During the next 10 minutes, begin your arm-swing toward your target slightly before beginning the first step of a four-step approach and do not rush the process. Allow the downswing to flow freely to the top of the backswing in one uninterrupted motion, then allow the ball to swing freely and without arm control downward until the ball reaches the "release zone." Try to maintain a consistent tempo on the backswing and forward swing on each delivery.

  4. For the next 10 minutes, practice "letting your hand follow the ball to your target!" If your hand follows through in the same direction of your target on the lane, then the ball will likely follow in the same direction. Keep your chin pointed to the same target.

  5. For the final 10 minutes of a one hour practice session, hold your form at the foul line. Pose until your ball passes your target. Balance during and after the critical release of the ball is vital to accuracy and good results. Avoid moving your head until the ball leaves your hand and passes your target. Discipline and patience will help you prevent bowling slumps. Practice as often as possible if you expect good results!

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