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Why Do I Lose Balance In Bowling Leagues Or Tournaments?

If you ask why do I lose balance in bowling leagues or tournaments, you might be hurrying your shot?

There are a couple of ways you may be rushing your shots and losing balance in competition.

Pressure makes fools of us all if we never make an effort to keep good tempo when bowling in competition.

Good tempo means keeping the same pace with each step. Your momentum will build gradually while swinging your bowling ball so it is important to “think” keeping the same pace each step when walking to the foul line.

Good tempo means to not force your swing and release. It is quite common for bowlers to hurry the forward swing by grabbing the ball when adding too much gripping pressure on the ball at the top of your backswing.

Avoid increasing grip pressure with your bowling hand and allow gravity to start your downswing.

Forcing your forward swing adversely affects making a good release. A good release also requires maintaining good swing tempo.

It takes a given amount of time to make a precise release at the right moment each shot and to maintain constant ball speed each shot.

Good tempo is involved in almost everything you do while making an approach and delivering your bowling ball.

Tempo is the backbone of good shotmaking.

When preparing for a tournament, practice making each shot at 90% of your full power swing.

This technique gives you constant ball speed and good speed control.

Maintain good pace with your steps and you give your hand enough time to make precision releases to gain a reliable ball reaction.

If you are losing balance in your approach in competition, likely you are hurrying your shots and forcing your release.

Build a good overall tempo when making warm-up shots in league or in a tournament, and when the “lights come on” and it is time to record scores, keep that steady tempo with a relaxed swing and release each shot.

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