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What Can Good Women Bowlers Do To Improve Their Delivery?

Publish Date: 10/24/15

If you are a female bowler averaging 180 or more and ask what can good women bowlers do to improve their delivery, the answer might lie with being fully committed to a reliable technique?

If you are presently a bowling “stroker” type player, use your smoothly delivery style to your advantage and stop trying to add revs or power to your game if you are inclined to do so when you know that your physical make-up does not allow you to easily “muscle-up” on shots.

Most advanced women bowlers do not use a high rev release but rather a smooth, consistent rotation of the ball with good ball speed control and loft distance control.

Going fairly straight to the pocket with only a slight hook is the easiest and simplest way to get a consistent ball reaction. On most every lane condition, a “stroker” type delivery style is likely your best bet given that the availability today of high performance bowling balls makes it easy to get equipment matching with local lane conditions.

The keys to improve your game is to control your bowling ball skid distance so you get consistent reactions both in the mid-lane and at the breakpoint.

Controlling skid distance is helped by your discipline to letting the ball go off of your hand at the same relative moment at the bottom of your forward swing and applying as close to the same delivery speed each shot without decelerating your forward swing.

These two simple thoughts will help you to gain good ball speed control when you are bowling in pressure competitive situations. Ball speed control will help you regulate ball skid distance.

Avoid grabbing the ball at the top of your backswing and allow the ball to free fall the first twelve or so inches of your downswing by not applying increased gripping pressure on the ball with your bowling thumb and fingers.

There is one more important element to get you to improve your scores and that is to learn to line-up to the pocket efficiently and to make logical adjustments as lanes change.

This alignment and adjustment concept can be expanded by consulting with an experienced bowling instructor who can watch you bowl, tune up your game (including your swing and release technique) and help you align to the pocket based on lane conditions and based on your delivery style.

It is surprising how many top women players will allow for too much swing arc in their ball delivery path that the ball rolls out too soon and loses reaction on the back end of the lane.

It helps to use a good coach to build a system for alignment and adjustments that you can trust in competition.

If you are a good women bowler and have never worked with a very good coach, you might want to consider doing so to help you establish confidence in your game and in playing the lanes properly.

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