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Turn On Your Bowling Green Light, Originally Posted: 4/17/2015; Updated: 6/11/2022

If you have trouble relaxing while bowling after getting off to a shaky start, then learn to turn on your bowling green light.

No bowler since the beginning of time has started off every game without getting into some trouble and you are no different.

When you begin a competitive session making mistakes leading to open frames and when you cannot seem to find the pocket consistently, you are vulnerable to forcing your swing, your release, and tensing your muscles so all parts of your game are adversely affected.

One key is to overcoming a poor start and to get back on track is to avoid panic at all costs.

Tension serves to prolong making poor shots.

Try and slow the game down in your mind and reduce muscle tension first in your legs. By relaxing your legs, you will return to a good pace of walking to the foul line under control and with good balance.

Once you have a good transport mechanism (your steps) doing what they are trained to do during your approach, it then becomes a simple process of reducing muscle tension in your swing.

With less tension in your swing, your release will also reflect a consistent action and your percentage of good deliveries will improve.

When any skilled player is bowling well, they will feel a flowing motion to the line and a steady tempo with their steps and swing.

When you are bowling your best, you can trust your physical motion and pay attention to delivering your bowling ball down your intended ball delivery path instead of forcing the shot trying so hard to hit the pocket and strike.

Allow yourself to trust your physical motion and merely play the game in front of you.

Play the lanes. Deliver your ball at the best ball speed you can and at the proper angle to follow your target path. In doing so, you can read the lanes far easier than if you force every shot.

Making adjustments is an easier process when you are making good shots.

See it, feel it, and trust it.

See the shot before you deliver it, feel the motion flowing to the foul line and the release of your ball before you take an approach, and then set up on the approach and trust your physical game to produce a good shot.

Rid yourself of the fear factor, of tension, and of doubt and replace those game breakers with allowing your game to work at full throttle.

Turn on your bowling green light and attack the game with the intent on winning.

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