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So You Think You Have Heard All The Bowling Tips

By:, Originally Posted: 6/30/17; Updated: 10/4/2021

So you think you have heard all the bowling tips, tried most of them, and now your game is not very good.

If you have tried to use so many random tips because your game is lacking, you are likely finding yourself confused as to what to do next?

At this point, you need to have a moment or two of silence while having a chat with yourself.

You must realize that to flush out bad bowling habits, you have to clear your mind and go back to proven, time-tested basics of the game which have served you well in the past.

Avoid piling on tip on top of another searching for an ultimate solution only to do the same the next time you bowl.

Case in point, you cannot make an adjustment after a poor shot by covering it up with another technique, then another, and so on.

Get back to basics and keep things simple.

Make decisions before you step up to bowl and avoid over thinking each bowling movement in your approach.

Your are not a robot so quit trying to be perfect. Do what you know you can comfortably do and live with it as you turn things around in your favor.

You can rely on your own experiences to find your game. You need not listen to every tip and clutter your mind with too many unneeded thoughts.

Think big picture. Start with the end in mind and work back until you can see it and feel it yourself.

If you know your own bowling strong points, trust them and stop searching for other answers.

It is possible to bowl very well competitively when you are not at the height of your game if you trust what you know you can do and believe in yourself.

Your mental game strategy needs to be a simple one. Be fluid and relaxed when you bowl, even when you are making a critical shot. Your approach tempo should not vary each shot because of the associated pressures competition can bring. Trust your own fluid movements when you bowl and avoid doing more than you need to be successful. Bowling strategy thoughts must be clean, clear, and easy to remember. Relax, take dead aim and then bowl.


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