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SMASH Bowling Tips

By:, Originally Posted: 2/16/16; Updated: 12/18/2023

If you average less than 160 in your bowling leagues and you would like a few simple ideas to improve, then check out these five SMASH bowling tips:

SMASH - Set-Up, Move, Angle of Spine, Swing, Head...

*Set-Up - Take care in making certain you set-up on the approach with good balance and with a good posture before beginning to bowl.

Lean forward slightly, flex your knees a bit, keep your head level, and hold your ball as comfortably as you can to begin your swing cycle movement.

*Move - Begin your approach smoothly and in a relaxed manner. Avoid sudden thrusting with your steps and swing. Move in a routine pace so you establish a pattern of walking and delivering your ball consistently.

*Angle of Spine - Once you pre-set your spine angle on the approach, retain the angle throughout your approach and delivery.

Visualize a good finish position when sliding into the foul line and releasing your bowling ball and then use that posture during your set-up and throughout your approach.

*Swing - Begin your swing by using a smooth “pushaway” motion to get your ball into your swing consistently. Reduce tension in your swing by relaxing arm, neck, and shoulder muscles.

Never force your swing. Swing your bowling ball swiftly and effortlessly to the top of the backswing; allow the ball to fall freely into the downswing and accelerate gradually through the forward swing and follow through.

*Head - Keep your head level and as motionless as you can while walking to the foul line and releasing your ball. Zoom in on your sighting target on the lane and make a commitment to hitting your target each shot.

Avoid sudden head movement during the critical final two steps of your approach so you retain a stable platform from which to accurately deliver your ball.

These simple five tips can go along way to getting your game on track toward improvement.

Paying attention to the fundamentals of balance, posture, alignment, swing, and release of your ball are key in making progress in the game.

Use these SMASH bowling tips next time you practice.

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