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Simple Choice Of A Symmetric Bowling Ball, Originally Posted: 9/6/2014; Updated: 9/12/2022

If you are trying to gain more ball reaction control and trying to raise your average from the 150 or 160 level, then gaining a controllable ball motion must become your primary objective.

When deciding on which type of new ball construction to select as your first reactive bowling ball, then you may wish to make the simple choice of a symmetric bowling ball before anything else.

Bowling ball symmetry varies from ball to ball based upon certain factors engineered into the ball construction process. Ball symmetry affects ball motion when you ball travels down the lane.

Symmetric ball cores provide the stable motion and most consistent and reliable motion compared to more aggressive cores found in asymmetric bowling ball.

It is sometimes difficult to understand the science in the high technology bowling equipment these days. Keeping things as simple as possible, here are boiled down facts about how engineers developing these products describe bowling ball symmetry and ball motion in scientific terms:

1. the degree of symmetry in any given bowling ball is developed through the core design process.

2. the more symmetrical a given ball is rated, the less aggressive is the hook potential rating resulting in a smooth or mild arc motion in the mid-lane and back-end of the lane.

3. the more asymmetric a given ball is rated, the higher the total differential is developed producing greater hook potential than symmetric balls produce.

When you set out to buy a new ball, pay attention to the following:

1. the coverstock - this is always the first consideration in choosing a new bowling ball. The coverstock is a chief factor in developing the length potential rating in a given bowling ball and how to match with the lane oil conditions.

2. the length potential rating determines ball skid length and how a given bowling ball will react in the mid-lane.

3. The hook potential rating which is also primarily based on the core design (as is length potential) and will guide you in how aggressively the ball will react on the back end of the lane.

Coverstock aggressiveness, length potential, and hook potential are your key factors when choosing a new ball.

Manufacturers are precisely matching given coverstocks to specific core designs so the effect produces the overall ball motion a bowler chooses.

In the end, the best choice when acquiring your initial high tech bowling ball would be one which generates the most stability of motion traveling down a lane. Symmetric balls are the best choice in this regard.

As you grow your personal equipment arsenal, then you can add other core designs and levels of symmetry to affect ball motion as lane conditions change or as you develop in the game as a competitive player.

Remember, you can alter the skid distance of a symmetric ball by using various grits of screening pads to add or reduce the amount of surface texture your ball introduces to the lane surface.

More texture provides more surface friction and greater traction on oily lane conditions.

Less texture will provide greater skid distance for medium-dry to dry lane conditions.

The simple choice of a symmetric bowling ball offers you a reliable ball to read the lanes with and to gain a consistent ball reaction during competition.

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