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Should I Check Lane Conditions Before A Bowling Tournament?, Originally Posted: 5/18/2015; Updated: 5/31/2022​

If you are asking should I check lane conditions before a bowling tournament, the short answer is “Yes?"

It is important to get as much information as possible about the lane conditions you will face in your next tournament.

With information about the oil pattern, you can make educated guesses as to which angles of attack you will make when you step onto the lanes to compete.

Knowing the oil pattern distance and knowing the cross and down lane ratios of oil application are the three most useful bits of information to gather.

Typically, the longer the distance pattern, the further toward the inside of the lane is where the breakpoint is located on the dry back end. The shorter distance oil patterns yield a breakpoint nearer to the mid-lane than longer distance patterns.

If there is a build-up of oil in the middle portion of the lane with a gradual tapering of oil toward the edges of the lane, then you know you will be bowling on a blended oil pattern and can trust your ball missing outside your mark with less chance of an over-reaction compared to a wet/dry pattern, as example.

Depending on the volume of oil applied to sections of the lanes on shorter distance patterns, you can visualize playing angles ranging from around the 1st arrow or closer to the ball track area.

On a longer distance pattern with a light blend of oil and a flatter ratio of oil application across the lane, you may have to prepare to use an inside angle toward the 3rd or 4th arrow, depending on much you hook the ball?

When you gather some pre-tournament lane condition intel, you can practice playing a variety of angles in practice before you get to the tournament site.

Playing different angles involves getting your swing path to match the delivery angle path needed to set your ball in motion toward your sighting target and to the breakpoint on the lane.

If you get a chance to practice on a similar oil pattern as you will face in the tournament, then you can also prepare the surfaces of your bowling ball equipment to match best with the oil pattern.

Knowledge is always important when competing. Knowing something about the lane conditions you will face on the tournament is a good tip to strive for so you reduce the element of surprise when you begin to bowl.

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