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Reduce The Bowling Open Frames

By:, 4/21/17

Updated 11/5/2020

As an advanced player, it serves good purpose to strive to reduce the open bowling frames.

Something you learned long ago was to fill frames and try to eliminate as many open frames as possible.

Just think about how many games you have bowled where a careless shot led to an open frame and cost you pins.

There are reasons why open frames pop up during competition. It is difficult to avoid an open frame but very possible to reduce the number you record by avoiding careless shots.

Carelessness can develop through anger or from anxiety when bowling “under the gun” in leagues or tournaments.

It is easy to overlook paying as much attention on converting a fairly routine spare and miss it because you became emotional by not striking on the first ball of the given frame.

The discipline required to update your thinking focusing on the next shot you must deliver is not as easy for some bowlers as others. Regardless, you must train your mind to pay full attention to every shot, not just strike shots.

Everyone will leave an unmakable split (or a split which is almost never made) from time to time. It is part of the game.

The trick is to make the right decision to adjust before bowling again on the given lane where you left the split. If you make a good adjustment decision and make a good shot, you won’t leave another.

No matter which adjustment option you choose, calmly reason why you choose the adjustment as your first line of offense for your next shot on the given lane.

Bowl offensively, not so safely that you forget to bowl with passion and with the mindset of winning.

Your challenge is to avoid careless shots which can lead to open frames.

If you make a series of mistakes on a given league night, as example, then get to the practice lanes soon thereafter and straighten out what is needed so you enter your next competitive session with full confidence to fill frames and strike as often as possible. The key to reducing open frames is to apply effort to becoming an accurate spare shooter and recognizing the importance of practicing your spares instead of only playing for the pocket when bowling where scores do not matter. Start with a goal of zero tolerance, zero open frames. Reduce the open bowling frames.


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