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Personalize Your Bowling Backswing, Originally Posted: 12/3/2013; Updated: 1/26/2023

Many bowlers struggle with making an effective backswing and getting the bowling ball in a good position up at the top of the backswing.
By not getting your ball set in a good position at the top of the backswing, you will find the need to compensate for initial backswing mistakes later in the swing.
As difficult as it is to build a repeatable bowling swing, which is the ultimate goal, having to properly time adjustments mid-swing is hardly a recipe for consistency.
If you can establish a reliable “pushaway” motion and full backswing on plane, your swing and your overall game will benefit.
The key to a good backswing is in its freedom of motion with as little arm muscle control as possible. Getting your backswing moving swiftly and without arm tension as soon as you begin your “pushaway” motion is critical in setting the tempo and the backswing path.
Regardless where you hold your bowling ball in your stance position, high, low, or at waist level, it is important to loosely get the ball swinging back with no restraint all the way to the top of your backswing.

A pure bowling arm swing can be described as a gravity swing. Any gravity based swing is virtually void of muscle control. A gravity swing relies instead on the forces of gravity to swing the bowling ball back and forward into the release position, and continue on to a full and complete follow through motion.
Since the backswing is the first portion of your swing cycle, your beginning movement of the bowling ball should be as free of arm tension as possible to set up the critical forward swing. Void of arm control and one which relies on the forces of gravity to create repeatability.
Avoid excessive “cupping” of the bowling ball with your wrist. Reduce the tension in your neck and shoulders so your arm may swing uninhibited and swiftly to the top of your backswing.
Getting your bowling ball set at the top of your backswing in a good position to begin the forward swing is key in making accurate deliveries along your intended delivery path.
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