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Pay Attention To Bowling Details

By:, Originally Posted: 6/5/17; Updated: 10/24/2023

As an advanced and highly skilled player, you undoubtedly want to win on the lanes. One trick is to pay attention to bowling details.

Winning in bowling is a matter of paying attention to details regardless if you are nervous or anxious to perform well.

You must have patience during competition to not get ahead of yourself or overlook the details which allow you to make good shots consistently and when needed to win a league match or to excel in a tournament.

Bowl passionately but avoid anger or poor temperament which will hold you back from reaching your goal.

Focus on the small details you need to use while preparing for your next shot.

The term “pre-shot routine” is a combination of mental and physical preparation before you step onto the approach.

You must make the decision where you will align yourself on the approach and where your aim point will be before you get up and bowl. Also, you must commit to how you wish to deliver the ball and follow your simple keys which help you maintain good tempo with your swing and steps.

The term “take dead aim” refers to a full mental commitment of delivering your bowling ball exactly to your chosen aim point where you know the ball will end up hitting the pocket.

Take dead aim. Become extremely determined to release your bowling ball toward a defined aim point while you make a high quality physical shot.

Character means to never give in or give up on making your best efforts every time you bowl.

Avoid the frustrations and anger when things are not going the way you wish. Anger is not the recipe for success.

If you pay attention to the details required to prepare for each shot, relax, and then focus on making a quality shot toward a specific target, you will then be using a recipe for success.

As part of your preparation to bowl, use the technique commonly referred to as “visualization.” In your mind, feel your bowling movements before doing them. Get a clear picture in your mind of making a well balanced approach and then feel the movements throughout your eventual approach and when releasing your bowling ball. Visualize seeing your ball react exactly as planned and producing a strike. See it, feel it, trust it, and then bowl.


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