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Overly Methodical Bowlers

By:, Originally Posted: 8/19/16; Updated: 2/12/2022

If you are one of many thousands of overly methodical bowlers who take a long time aiming on the approach, you may wish to develop a quicker routine in preparing to bowl.

There are several reasons why being overly slow in preparing to bowl can adversely affect your performances.

Bowling fairly quickly is simply good etiquette. No one wants to wait and wait for the bowler on an adjacent lane to bowl.

If you take an overly long aim time on the approach, it means you have not made up your mind how and where you wish to deliver your bowling ball before stepping onto the approach. Make your decisions before taking your stance.

Taking a very long aim time on the approach can also tense your bowling muscles can cause you to force your delivery. Forcing your swing and release are one cause of errant shots.

Bowling with a good rhythm serves to develop consistent shotmaking. It is difficult to repeat good swings if you are overly methodical and are thinking through each movement you make while walking, swinging, and releasing your bowling ball.

Allow yourself instead to use a slightly faster preparation time and aiming no longer than perhaps 5 seconds tops before beginning to bowl.

Take a focused look at your sighting target first and then get ready, set, and bowl.

It will only require a couple of seconds aiming time once you are properly positioned on the approach and set-up to bowl. Avoid excessive aiming time so you do not freeze your mind or cause unneeded muscle tension in your arms, neck, shoulders, or legs.

Some of the best bowlers in the history of the game were fast players. There is no need to rush your shot but there is greater need to not stand on the approach and aim too long.

If you are an overly methodical bowler, you need not go from bowling extremely slowly, however, to bowling very quickly. Make your process speed up gradually during practice sessions by counting cadence before you begin to walk and swing your ball. You can also count cadence as you walk and swing your ball so you do not rush your steps or swing just because you are aiming for less elapsed time. Bowlers who are naturally quick-paced players need not bother changing preparation time. Instead, strive to maintain consistent tempo once beginning to bowl.


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