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Master One Style Of Bowling

By:, Originally Posted: 3/30/17; Updated: 11/9/2021

As an advanced player skilled in many key aspects of competitive bowling, it can be very wise for you to master one style of bowling and then develop small or subtle adjustments to your game for when they are needed.

Use one style and get good at it.

Tennis players must develop a variety of techniques (forehand, backhand) and are never in the same physical body position when they hit the tennis ball because they are running around on half of the court.

Golfers must learn to hit various style of shots ranging from sand explosion shots to half wedge shots to shots traveling a 140 yards to using a full swing with a driver.

In bowling, you can rely on one basic style of game, master it, and then adjust off of your style when small adjustments are needed during competition.

Changing angles of attack when you are trying to align to the pocket, as example, can be done without any real change to your style or delivery scheme.

If you tend to get caught making adjustment after adjustment and cannot seem to make anything work, get back to your basic game and focus on the movements of your steps, swing, release, balance, and finish position at the foul line.

Avoid abandoning your best game skills in an ongoing search for the perfect adjustment.

Do not become caught up in a vortex of adjustments and never settle into the groove to repeat consistently quality shots.

Develop one solid style of bowling, one dependable release technique, work on making proper alignment decisions and then small adjustments can follow producing effective results.

One such basic technique you (and every bowler) must develop is an approach tempo where the pace of your steps matches the tempo of your swing with the result being good timing. The challenge all experienced and talented bowlers face is the anxiety your competitive juices produce which can become detrimental to consistent shotmaking. If you work to develop one repeatable pace of bowling and can “lock in” on your most dependable tempo and bowling ball speed, most of your battle to succeed is complete. Avoid being a “Jack of all trades, Master of none.”


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