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Little Things In Bowling Count

By:, Originally Posted: 11/20/16; Updated: 12/23/2023

It can be stated that it is the little things in bowling count the most.

One important key in developing a consistent ability to repeat quality shots, the bedrock principle for winning, is to first establish a reliable pre-shot routine followed with good bowling tempo.

Every skilled competition bowler has some sort of repeatable pre-shot routine. This routine in preparing to bowl leads directly to also establishing good tempo regarding steps and swing.

Everything begins with the proper mindset before stepping onto the approach.

A pre-shot routine encompasses having your alignment and delivery strategies in mind before setting-up on the approach in preparation to bowl.

Included in a pre-shot routine are visualization techniques before taking your stance position on the approach.

A pre-shot routine must couple both your mental and physical game techniques allowing you the best chances of making good shots repeatedly.

Once you do begin your approach, retaining a consistent bowling tempo becomes very important.

When you pick up your bowling ball off of the rack, take a deep breath or two and exhale slowly to reduce anxiety. Settle your nerves.

Next, visualize walking to the line and making a good shot.

Also, make alignment decisions and where you will place your feet and where you will sight on the lane as an aim point.

Develop a routine where you spend roughly the same amount of time positioning yourself on the approach, getting your bowling hand(s) gripping your bowling ball comfortably, and spend only the necessary time aiming but not so long as to allow indecision to creep into your mind.

Use an athletic posture at stance, grip your ball, focus on your sight target, and bowl.

Keep the routine simple but consistent.

It is important to coordinate both your steps and swing moving at the same relative pace each shot you take, strikes and spares alike.

Work during practice to establish a pattern of bowling with consistent steps and swing tempo.

The little things in bowling count when you are preparing for competition. Another factor in implementing an effective pre-shot routine is to exert the same amount of energy from the time you pick up your ball off of the rack and await your turn to bowl. Avoid hurrying or becoming overly slow but rather be as natural with your body movements as possible. Once you have established a good pre-shot routine, your steps and swing tempo will work together which, in turn, gives you best chances at repeating quality shots and scoring well when it counts most.


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