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Increase Your Bowling Ball Hook

If you do not alter your delivery technique, you must alter your bowling ball surface texture to increase bowling ball hook. Other variables are to change bowling balls, change ball speed, or change delivery angles to increase your bowling ball hook.
Learning the variables most useful to you is key in gaining increased bowling ball hook.

If you wish to keep a constant delivery motion and not alter your hand action during your release, you eliminate one physical variable from your game. There is a lot to be said to master one dependable delivery style and merely use other variables to help you gain more bowling ball hook.

Here are a few variables you may consider implementing if you are not a power player with a strong hook delivery and if you want to get more hook without changing your delivery style:

1. Use of a wrist support device. Wrist devices will support the back of your bowling wrist and prevent collapsing of your wrist prior to the bowling ball delivery. Wrist devices possess capabilities of tilting your wrist forward to encourage a quick thumb exit from the ball before your fingers exit your bowling ball. It is very important in gaining greater hook potential that your thumb exits the ball before your fingers so the weight of the ball falls onto your finger pads allowing your fingers to impart a quick rotation of the ball at the "moment of release."

2. Never decelerate your forward swing and follow-through motion in an attempt to see your ball increase hook, thinking a slow ball speed will help you gain a reliable ball reaction. Instead, implement a crisp and accelerated follow-through swing motion which will enhance your release so you can make consistent deliveries.

3. Maintain a good ball speed so your ball does not lose energy as it travels down lane and hooks in a non-predictable manner. When your ball loses effective speed, it will “roll out” and lose hitting power at the pin deck.

4. Proper initial alignment will help you gain a good skid, hook, roll pattern of ball motion.
When you are lined up correctly to the pocket, you release your ball in the heaviest concentration of lane oil on the front end of the lane. Your ball then stores energy for use in the mid-lane and back end at impact with the pins. If you are aligned initially too much into the heavy oil, your ball will over skid and will not enter the dry portion of the lane in time to hook back to the pocket.
Proper alignment is an art and a skill in and of itself and is something you must learn so you can benefit from playing the lanes correctly on given oil patterns. Proper alignment and good lane adjustments are keys to maximizing effective hook potential.

5. Choose a bowling ball with an aggressive coverstock. A solid reactive bowling ball with a textured surface will match best on heavy oil conditions. If the lane conditions are dry, use a pearl reactive coverstock with a high hook potential rating to give you the angular motion on the back end of the lane creating a sharp hook motion. Selecting the right bowling ball coverstock to match the lane conditions is a key in gaining hook potential.

Using the variables made available today by the industry and learning alignment strategies for assorted lane conditions are important keys in gaining greater bowling ball hook motion. You do not have to alter your delivery style to gain increased hook. You simply need to use technology to your advantage and play the lanes properly. With a little craftiness and some effort, you can increase your bowling ball hook when facing the heavy lane oil conditions.

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