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Improve Your Spare Shooting And Get More Strikes, Originally Posted: 4/14/2015; Updated: 3/1/2024

Improve your spare shooting and get more strikes. That’s right, by improving your spare conversion output, you will also get a greater number of strikes in a given session such as in a league or tournament.

If you want to raise your average and get more strikes, become a better spare shooter.

By increasing the number of spares you successfully pick up in a three game league series, as example, you also improve your ability to move around the lane and adjust to delivering your bowling ball on any portion of the lane to convert corner pin spares as well as spares nearer the middle of the lane.

With the ability to adjust for any spare combination of pins you might leave and convert the spare, your ability to align yourself to the pocket also improves.

By becoming an improved spare shooter, your accuracy improves.

With improved accuracy, you will hit the pocket with greater regularity and thereby improve your ratio of strikes per pocket hit.

By increasing your ratio of pocket hits and increasing the number of strikes you record, you also increase your chances at getting doubles and three baggers, and so forth.

By stringing strikes more frequently than you presently do and by converting spares you leave when you do not strike, your scores improve correspondingly.

It all starts by becoming a skilled spare shooter.

Shooting spares requires the development of a system for adjusting your positioning on the approach and establishing a sighting target where you deliver your ball toward the given spare.

Once you develop a good spare shooting system and become more skilled at picking up your spares, you also become more skilled at hitting the pocket, getting more strikes than you presently enjoy, and you get to watch your scores improve.

Challenge yourself to become a great spare shooter. If you do, your accuracy is sure to improve and your strike percentage also improves.

It begins with taking your spare shooting seriously.

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