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Improve Your Score Following A Bad Game

By:, Originally Posted: 1/27/17; Updated: 11/28/2023

If you wish to learn how to improve your score following a bad game, start with clearing your mind and relaxing.

Everyone bowls a bad game but those bowlers who are able to put the negativity aside can bounce back with a good game score and minimize the scoring damage overall.

Once you lose a reliable ball reaction, it is easy to fall into a trap of forcing your shots trying so hard to strike. Forcing your swing and release only leads to an increased number of poor shots.

Also, when you get a few bad breaks like not knocking down corner pins and leaving splits, frustration can double.

The first step is to adjust your angle of attack. Either move your feet and target toward oil or away from oil to increase or decrease your ball skid distance depending on where you are missing the pocket.

You may have to change to a bowling ball which produces less hook so you can more easily control your ball reaction as opposed to seeking a big,sweeping arc motion as a ball reaction.

Hitting the pocket leads to fewer splits, more routine spares to convert, and, of course, to strikes.

So, place most emphasis on getting lined up to the pocket. Watch other bowlers around you who are bowling well and who have a similar delivery style as yourself and adjust your alignment to give yourself a better chance at getting to the pocket repeatedly.

Speaking of spares, work very hard with full focus at converting your spares. Although you already know that reducing open frames leads to higher scores, it is easy to forget and then make thoughtless shots resulting in missing spares you should be converting.

If you are a 175 average bowler, as example, and you bowl a 145 game, you have scored well below expectations. The good news here is that the next game can pick up your scoring average if you reduce open frames and perhaps get a double or three strikes in a row.

Hitting the pocket as often as possible is the building block to improving your scores following a bad game.

Other factors to remember are to avoid trying to overpower the lanes out of desperation or anger. Instead, make smooth deliveries using less hand action and take a straighter path to the pocket. Make certain you avoid rushing your shots and that your steps and swing tempo matches. Finally, stay in balance and keep your eyes focused on your target.


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