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If You Are Struggling With Your Bowling Game, Get Smooth

If you are struggling with your bowling game, get smooth.

That’s right, smoothen out you physical approach motion, restore good balance, and avoid forcing your swing and delivery.

Bowling with a smooth and consistent tempo is key when performing in pressure situations competition brings.

Regardless of your skills or average, follow these simple tips when you begin to struggle with your game:

1. Think about a slow start to your approach and then a well balanced finish. Between, focus sharply on your selected target on the lane so you do not forget to remind yourself where you wish to deliver the ball.

2. One good shot at a time and avoid thinking too far ahead.

If you maintain a smooth and even tempo with your steps, your swing has a dependable amount of time to repeat a complete, full swing cycle and follow-through motion.

4. Hold your form at the foul line after releasing the bowling ball.

5. Make your decisions for alignment and adjustments before stepping onto the approach.

6. Maintain a steady and consistent pace of walking to the foul line. If you normally have quick steps, then walk the same each approach and do not get faster than your usual pace of walking.

Keep it smooth and simple. Reduce tension in your body, especially with your legs and bowling arm.

Success comes from developing good physical game fundamentals during your practice sessions and then applying them in competition.

If you are going to try as hard as you can to bowl well in critical competition, then trust what you do when you bowl your best and avoid trying to do more.

You can win when you are 85% to 95% of maximum efficiency. No one bowls perfectly every time so stay smooth, avoid rushing and forcing shots, and trust your game.
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