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How To Help Your Game During Your Bowling League, Originally Posted: 1/15/2015; Updated: 3/13/2024

If you are trying to figure out how to help your game during your bowling league, there are a couple of tips to follow which can be implemented while you are in competition.

If your average is in the range of 140 - 170 range, then avoid the following traps when you are bowling in league:

1. Over reaching when following through - a loss of balance will surely occur if you force your delivery by thrusting your bowling arm out in an attempt to reach as far as possible.

Instead, reach up and not out. Use the natural extension of your bowling arm so you avoid a loss of balance by bending suddenly at the waist when delivering your bowling ball.

2. Avoid rushing your steps. Also, do not hesitate between steps.

By walking too slowly and pausing between steps, you will break down any momentum you can build during your approach.

Slow steps encourage a forced swing and a loss of accuracy will surely follow.

Keep your steps moving smoothly and in tempo while allowing your swing to freely move matching the pace of your steps.

3. Allow yourself to adjust your sighting target as the lane conditions dictate. Avoid falling in love with the 2nd arrow and never moving off of that spot and delivery path.

The 2nd arrow is a good place to begin an initial alignment on most house lane conditions in your effort to hit the pocket but it is not a permanent sighting point, however.

A good rule of thumb is if your ball misses the pocket to the right, adjust your feet positioning and your spot to the right. If you miss the pocket left, adjust feet and spot to the left.

Avoid adjusting if you made a poor shot. If you make a good shot and your ball does not react as you wish, then make an adjustment.

If you have questions about tuning your game while you are in league, consult an experienced bowling instructor.

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