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How To Avoid Overturning The Bowling Ball, Originally Posted: 3/5/2012; Updated: 5/8/2024

If you wish to learn how to avoid overturning the bowling ball, then examine a few important techniques successful players focus on during pressure moments in competition. If you watch televised finals of PBA National Tour events of the years, you may have heard one or two players "miked" for the cameras vocalize the words "stay behind the ball." If this is a key to the best players in the world, then you may wish to learn how to avoid overturning the bowling ball to improve your shot-making abilities.

The release zone is the location where your bowling hand arrives when swinging the bowling ball rapidly at the heel of your sliding bowling shoe to a point slightly before the tip of the toe of the slide shoe. If your thumb exits the ball in that release zone, then you will achieve a reasonable and level angle of trajectory of the ball onto the lane surface and minimize chances of turning the ball early.

Here are ten tips to to reduce the tendency of overturning your bowling ball:

1. If the back of your bowling hand is wide open at the top of your back swing, then your hand is in position to rotate the ball slightly and still be well behind the ball as your hand enters the release zone. This wide open hand position is common with "Power" players who impart a high velocity and high rev-rate on the bowling ball and it allows the hand the greatest opportunity to rotate the bowling ball with your fingers, perhaps up to 90 degrees, and create maximum axis of rotation.

2. If your hand is directly behind the bowling ball so the palm of your hand faces the pins down the lane as your hand enters the release zone, then you are properly behind the ball and will be able to make an effective rotation of your bowling fingers at the moment of release, perhaps 40 degrees to 60 degrees of finger rotation, and impart sufficient axis tilt and rev-rate onto the bowling ball. Try not to rotate the ball more than 90 degrees maximum from this position. This hand position generally describes the delivery of "Tweener" type players.

3. If your hand is positioned slightly to the outside of the bowling ball, then you are not in position to rotate the ball much at all and should try and remain rotation-less with your fingers throughout the releasing action. If you do rotate the ball from a position on the side of the ball, you risk the overturning motion the pro bowlers refer to which results in making an ineffective delivery. Avoid overturning your bowling fingers and palm of your hand around the front of the ball at all times. This type of release produces low axis tilt and is common among up-the-boards players, also known as "Strokers," with minimal rev-rate and back end hook potential.

4. Making sure you keep the inside bone of your bowling elbow tucked closely toward your torso during your forward swing will help you from turning your whole arm as well as rotating your fingers while releasing the bowling ball, regardless of your release technique.

5. Focusing on keeping your elbow and the palm of your bowling hand behind the ball on the forward swing and into the release zone enhance your chances at making an effective delivery.

6. Swing your bowling arm closely to your body and underneath your bowling shoulder and arm-pit area of your torso as you swing the ball into the release zone. A proper swing path enables you to stay behind the ball and not rotate your bowling fingers early.

7. Prevent over-rotating of your bowling fingers in an attempt to make the ball hook a great deal. Overturning the ball will also cause your hand, and possibly your arm, to dangerously overturn in front of the ball as you enter the release zone. This type of overturning motion also causes the elbow to rotate around and outside the bowling ball and results in a poor delivery.

8. Through practice and repetition, train yourself to remain in position behind the ball until your hand reaches the release zone, your thumb exits the ball, and your fingers rotate the ball. Your swing should continue upward toward a full-finish follow through position.

9. To regulate a consistent release motion, begin with the proper finger gripping pressure on the bowling ball. Avoid squeezing the bowling ball so hard with your fingers and thumb as to prohibit the quick and consistent release of the ball. The majority of gripping pressure should be with the pads of your bowling fingers with very little pressure on the pad of your thumb.

10. Your thumb must exit the ball slightly before the fingers in the release zone as you are entering the sliding sliding step of your approach. If you are squeezing your thumb so tightly as to prohibit your thumb from exiting the ball, then the release will be adversely affected. Leading the release with your ring finger on your bowling hand in an upward motion is a useful technique used by good players to avoid rotating the ball early. always recommends you consult with a certified coach so you can sharpen your skills and develop a good technique to stay behind the ball at release. We hope these tips help. By the way, has become the No. 1 e-tailer of choice for bowling equipment by the consumer of America. Please be reminded that every item at our site comes with free shipping, free insurance, and no hidden handling charges. To place your order, simply follow our easy online instructions. Thanks for visiting.

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