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How Far Should I Slide From The Foul Line?

If you are asking how far should I slide from the bowling foul line, slide as close to the line as possible without going over the line.

If you are presently sliding a foot or more behind the line, it is difficult to get the ball consistently over the foul line.

If you are presently sliding more than one foot behind the line, you are very likely dropping the ball onto the approach floor instead of getting the ball out onto the lane surface.

Your bowling ball should be entering the lane surface past the foul line and at a gradual angle of descent to avoid the ball bouncing excessively.

The goal is to control your skid length distance to gain a consistent ball reaction.

Sliding very close to the foul line consistently, say one or two inches behind the line, makes it relatively easy to get the ball out onto the lane surface and control your ball skid.

When your ball glides into the lane bed beyond the foul line, it contacts the portion of the floor where oil conditioner is applied enabling your ball to properly gain traction in the mid-lane.

Getting your ball into the lane with a gradual angle of descent enhances the ball skidding motion and stores energy for the back end of the lane.

By regulating your ball delivery speed and controlling your angle of descent into the lane, your ball reaction improves.

It goes without saying that sliding very near the foul line makes your task in delivering the bowling ball a much easier process than sliding two feet behind the line.

Next time you practice, move up on the approach the necessary amount so you can take the same length steps and end up with your sliding bowling shoe only an inch or two behind the line.

The trick is to not shorten each step because you moved closer to the foul line.

Your other option is to lengthen each step slightly by the amount you need to make sure you lside very near the foul line.

By practicing sliding over the line a time or two when your scores do not count in competition will help remove any possible fear of fouling from your mind.

Asking how far should I slide from the bowling foul line is easily answered by knowing that sliding within six inches of the line or less each delivery is the objective.

If you are having persistent problems sliding near the foul line, then consult a bowling instructor for specific techniques to help you improve in this area of your game.

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