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How Do I Fix My Bowling Release Before My Next Tournament?

By:, 11/10/15

If you are a highly skilled player averaging more than 210 and ask how do I fix my bowling release before my next tournament, then focus on avoiding grabbing the ball.

If you are less than a 200 average player, you can still pay attention to this topic. This article is , however, intended for you “top gun’s” who are locked up and not letting the ball go at the same time each shot and getting an inconsistent skid distance and, correspondingly, a poor ball reaction.

The solution is a simple concept but one which plagues all bowlers from time to time and that is a forced delivery.

If you are a low rev player with only a slight hook, you likely are restricting your backswing and hurrying your forward swing from the top to the release zone.

Avoid grabbing your bowling ball at the top of the swing and forcing it through to the release.

If you are a power player with high revs, you might be guilty of grabbing the ball by increasing your gripping pressure at the top of the backswing and again as you release the ball. This double grab action is a shot killer.

Regardless of your release technique, avoid forcing your downswing and trying to add more power to your release than you typically do when you are bowling your very best.

Wait, wait, and then let it go!

Maintain consistent grip pressure on the ball during the back and forward swing cycles as your hand enters the release zone.

Relax your neck, shoulders and arm muscles while you practice and work on good balance throughout your approach and release.

The pressures of competition are the number one reason any skilled player hurries a delivery and makes an errant shot.

Practice sessions should include an awareness of making the same pass through the ball and making a consistent release motion on every delivery.

Avoid grabbing at the ball attempting to add power or to hurry the release out of pure anxiety.

To fix your release, ease the gripping pressure, avoid grabbing your ball at the top of the swing or as you let it go, and rely instead on the good techniques you have developed which have led to your being a top flight player.

Trust your swing and release.

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