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How Can I Practice My Bowling Accuracy?, Originally Posted: 5/8/2015; Updated: 6/5/2022

If you want a response to your asking how can I practice my bowling accuracy, try these two simple tips next time you work on your game.

When you hit the practice lane, call out the board your ball contacts at your sighting target area of the lane.

As example, if you are aiming at the 9 board just outside the 2nd arrow, call out the board you see the center of your ball roll over as it passes through your spot on the lane.

If you miss to the outside of the 9 board by only 1 board, call out “8 board” just loud enough to remind your brain where your ball passed through.

If you miss 2 boards inside your spot, call out “11 board” so you become aware of precisely how close to your spot you actually hit with your ball.

Make sure you understand that if you have a dominant eye, when you see the 9 board as in this example, you may be hitting the 10 or 11 board. If you used the help of a “spotter” standing still, you would get feedback from the “spotter” calling out the real board your ball passes over.

Everyone has different eye dominance so take a bit of time to establish how close to where you sight you actually hit. Small point but, nevertheless, an important one.

Once you use this practice drill of calling out the board you hit with your bowling ball, you can draw a bead on just how accurate you are and focus intently to improve your percentage of accurate deliveries.

Call out ten shots in a row and record your results so you know if you hit your mark four, five, or more times per ten deliveries and if you miss to the right more than the left of your spot or vice versa?

Also, try and deliver your ball at the same ball speed you use during competition while you do this drill. If you can regulate your ball speed, it become easier to hit your mark at a higher degree of frequency than if your speed varies more than one mph, as example.

Call out the board you hit and keep a steady ball speed. Your accuracy and control will improve.

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