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How Can I Learn A Smooth Bowling Release?, Originally Posted: 7/10/2015; Updated: 5/7/2022

If you ask how can I learn a smooth bowling release, then the first and foremost thing you must understand is to avoid forcing your release at all costs.

It starts with developing proper gripping pressure with your fingers in the bowling ball. Avoid over-squeezing your ball by applying a light finger pressure with the pads of your bowling fingers. Grip the ball with your thumb even more lightly than with your fingers.

The objective is to get a fast thumb release triggered at the same time, or very close to the same time, relative to your shoe laces on your sliding bowling shoe.

By grabbing your ball anywhere during your swing cycle will apply inconsistent grip pressure on the ball and causes you to over-turn the ball before your hand reaches the delivery zone near the bottom of your forward swing.

It can also cause you to hang onto the ball longer than needed and release the ball on the upswing lofting the ball well beyond your intended landing point on the lane surface.

Grabbing the ball at the top of the backswing is another fault to avoid which causes a forcing of the forward swing and release. This happens when you try and apply too much power to your ball thinking you need to add revs (revolutions per minute) to the ball.

Instead, use the same release action each shot you make and try to control your ball speed and loft distance to aide in this goal.

As your bowling ball exits your hand, work at maintaining the same separation between your bowling fingers and thumb as the ball leaves your hand as when you hold the ball in your stance position.

Some coaches refer to this technique and using an open-handed release. It simply means to not allow your fingers and thumb to snap together quickly after you release the ball.

By keeping the same separation distance between your fingers and thumb as you release your ball, you will tend to force your delivery far less frequently than if you snap your hand closed as the ball exits your hand.

Allow the ball to flow off of your hand smoothly and glide into the lane surface avoiding thoughts about “lifting the ball.” Allow the pitch angles drilled into the ball to guide your finger action at the moment your ball leaves your fingers and trust that you will gain a very effective release with good roll on your bowling ball.

Reducing the amount of finger rotation is another key in developing a smooth release.

Staying behind the ball and thinking perhaps only a half inch or maybe one inch maximum finger rotation will stabilize your release technique and will reduce the tension created from forcing your delivery.

Use these simply and easy tips to help you learn a smooth release and enjoy the benefits of getting consistent a ball reaction on all types of lane conditions.
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