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How Can I avoid Making Bowling Mistakes?, Originally Posted: 12/19/2014; Updated: 7/28/2022

Have you asked yourself how can I avoid making bowling mistakes?

If you are frustrated by the mistakes you make during competition and wish to get the best out of your skills in competition, then you must take steps to avoid the mental and physical mistakes which cause your game to suffer.

In most cases, your mistakes begin with mental oversight which leads to physical game shortcomings.

Examples of common mental mistakes are rushing your shots and not planning what you wish to focus on before you step onto the approach.

If you are working on good posture, then make sure to set up properly before starting your approach and focus on keeping your upper body and head a still as possible while you walk to the foul line.

If you are working on your steps, focus on maintaining good pace and direction when you walk.

If you are working on your swing or release, pay attention to the pace and direction of your swing path and avoid turning your bowling ball early.

If you are losing sight of your target, focus instead on keeping a keen eye on your spot on the lane until the ball passes over the spot.

You get the idea. Choose only one or two mental thoughts before making an approach so you can “monitor” these thoughts as you walk and deliver your bowling ball.

Many of your mistakes happen because you may be rushing your delivery, rushing your approach due to the tension of competition.

Tension can adversely affect you, or anyone at anytime, if you do not prepare a game plan of action for your competitive sessions.

Merely walking to the foul line with no focus on any key part of your game and hoping that the right results will happen generally leads to poor shots or random mistakes which can cost you in your competition.

Most parts of your game can be worked on during practice sessions where scores do not count. Even during practice, it is important to develop your checklist of keys to your game so when you face competition, you can rely on these keys which you have worked on earlier.

Finally, learn to keep a cool bowling head. The players who are able to retain composure in pressure bowling situations are the ones who typically enjoy the most success.

Work at not losing your temper or getting overly emotional if things are not going your way.

To answer your question how can I avoid making bowling mistakes is a matter of preparing your game plan before your competition, focusing on the keys to your game while you bowl, and remain calm while competing.

There are no shortcuts to success on the lanes. Plan your work and then work your plan.

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