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Gripping A Fingertip Drilled Bowling Ball, Originally Posted: 8/4/2014; Updated: 3/28/2024

If you have recently made a switch away from a conventional grip ball, then there are a few proven techniques you may use when gripping a fingertip drilled bowling ball.
Adjusting to a fingertip grip takes some time and effort because your hand is stretched across the surface when gripping the ball compared to a conventional drilling.
There are different pressure points on your hand when using various gripping techniques on a fingertip drilled ball which influence your release action.
Here are four tips to actually grip the fingertip ball properly:
1. The fingers should be inserted into the ball before the thumb. Care should be taken to fit your fingers into the holes of the ball in the same manner each time you are getting ready to bowl.
2. In a fingertip grip, your fingers should be inserted down to the first knuckle joint and the weight of the ball will be supported by the pads of your fingers from the tip of your fingers to the first joint.
3. The thumb must be inserted into the thumb hole of the ball down to the second knuckle joint as to allow the ball surface to rest on the palm of your hand and to the full extension of your thumb.
4. When your hand is placed properly into the holes of the bowling ball, there needs to be more gripping pressure on the finger pads of your hand than on your thumb pad.
Here are additional tip options about gripping the fingertip ball:
1. Spread your index finger away from the middle gripping finger. You can vary the distance your index finger is spread away from your middle finger according to your preference. The further your index finger is spread, the more stability you have to control your ball during your swing and the easier it becomes to rotate your bowling fingers if you choose to hook the ball.
2. Keep your "pinky" (little finger) positioned against your ring finger. Spreading the little finger away from your ring finger does stabilize your hand positioned on the ball when you wish to reduce the amount of finger rotation used.

3. Tuck your little finger down to the first knuckle joint from the tip of the finger and place the the nail of that finger flat against the ball surface. This grip technique serves to help you exit your thumb quickly and places greater pressure on your gripping finger pads to gain maximum power in your release.
4. Keeping your index and pinky fingers against your gripping fingers where all four fingers are very close together helps develop a limited or reduced finger rotation to gain a low axis tilt delivery and a very controllable ball reaction.
To develop into an accomplished player, you must learn to release the ball effectively. The method you use to grip your ball influences the type of delivery you produce.
With some experimentation, you can find the right gripping technique for your fingertip ball for accuracy and consistency.
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