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Don't Bowl Timidly

By:, 3/4/16

Updated 11/24/2020

Don’t bowl timidly. If you are a skilled player who bowls in stiff competition regularly, avoid bowling timidly and unleash your inner bowling monster!

It is your inner-self which has powers you can tap into, develop, and bring out your focus and mindset to use when you bowl in competition.

There is no need to bowl angry or force yourself into a state of frenzy as you prepare for competition, but rather avoid a shy or fearful approach to competing.

Start by being aggressive with your mindset. Develop the determination to perform well under the pressures of competition.

Anger or false motivation only brings tenseness to your game. Tensing your muscles in your neck, shoulders, legs, and in your bowling arm is not a recipe for making consistent and accurate shots repeatedly.

It is entirely possible to experience nerves before bowling in important events such as tournaments or leagues and still be smooth moving and physically relaxed with your bowling body motion.

The monster within you is not a “killer instinct” (a term popularized in sports over many years as wanting to crush an opponent) but rather the spirit needed to retain a positive attitude and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

If you are a high strung bowler with high levels of energy, you will not need to gear up for the game. It will come naturally.

If you are, however, a shy person or one with a non-aggressive personality, then you can develop the desire and determination to succeed by establishing the mindset to trust your skills and decisions required of you in competition.

Truthfully, everyone runs scared from time to time, even the top professionals get nervous when facing serious competition.

The trick is to trust your personal powers to give you the energy, the motivation, and the intensity necessary to perform well under pressure.

Bowling timidly is simply a matter of giving in to the surface thinking that you are facing other bowlers with good talents and skills and that you struggle to win.

If you trust in the game skills you have worked to develop and focus intently on making one good shot at a time regardless of the given situation, whether you are rolling for strikes or spares, you will increase your chances of repeating quality shots and performing well when bowling “under the gun.”

Use your mind to prepare for competitive events, trust in your abilities, and bring a determination to the lanes next time you bowl.

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