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Diary Of An Average Bowler Part 3, Originally Posted: 11/3/2014; Updated: 8/23/2022

This is the 3rd and final article in a three part series featuring “Billy Bowler”, a fictional bowler who is entering into his first competitive league.
In the 1st article, Billy joined his new teammates and bowled a 480 series in the first night of his new, highly competitive league.
As Billy struggled, his teammates offered tips during the league and confused Billy.
As a good teammate would do, Billy took a bowling lesson before the next night of league.
The coach worked with Billy on his footwork walking direction. Billy reported an improved series where he helped his teammates win 3 games the next night of league.
Here now is Billy’s report after he has taken a follow-up lesson and bowled two additional nights of league:
“Hi, I’m Billy and back reporting the results from my 2nd bowling lesson and the two following league night performances.
My teammates were please at my improved scoring and that I listened to them and went for a bowling lesson.
I elected to continue with a 2nd lesson following the league night where I rolled a 555 series, well above my 510 average score for a three game series.
My coach told me at the beginning of my next lesson that if I can work a little more on making my footwork solid that my game will stand as much improved for a long time.
He made sure that in my five step approach that I walked straight on the first two steps, left about 5 boards on the 3rd step, and then walked under the center of my body on the final two steps, including the sliding step.
What this did was made me walk left a little bit and not right.
My coach told me that walking left makes my swing tuck in a little behind my bowling shoulder and allows me freely to follow through toward my target and not roundhouse my swing as I was before my 1st lesson.
He also said walking left slightly would allow me to effectively play angles which require a wider delivery angle than playing up-the-boards around the 2nd arrow.
The coach went on to show me that when lanes breakdown and the lane requires angle adjustments to continue hitting the pocket, I would not have to force my swing to feed the ball to my target.
I thought that was pretty cool so we worked for well over an hour on my walking direction until I could drift left slightly from any angle I wished to play on the lane.
He then worked with me not to force my delivery and to avoid turning the ball too soon.
After a good deal of practice, I find myself making consistent shots compared to my “old game” and getting the pocket in sight far more often than ever before.
Finally he gave me some tips on making delivery angle adjustments for medium and dry lanes.
Because I was so pleased with my progress, I practiced more games than ever in the past. In fact, my thumb is very sore. I consider it a “badge of honor” to have a sore bowling thumb…..HAHAHA.

The next league night I rolled a 586 series and again we won all of our games.
Between that night and the next week, I practiced about 30 games (my budget would not afford more practice) and continued working on the tips given to me by my coach.
The next night of league I rolled my first ever 600 series in any league, a 615 series including a 238 game.
I am hooked for life on bowling. What a thrill for me knowing that I have never been a good athlete in any sport or game.
My teammates are happy that I am taking our team performances seriously and trying to help us win, not just occupy time and space, as one teammate said.
If there is any tip I can share it is to take a lesson and practice if you really do wish to improve. If you are happy with your current game and are averaging 170 or less as I was averaging before lessons, then don’t expect much more out of your game if you do not learn more about the game and practice hard enough to make progress.
Billy Bowler
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