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Control Your Bowling Ball Speed For Better Spare Shooting, Originally Posted; 4/19/2012; Updated: 11/30/2023

If you learn to control your bowling ball speed for better spare shooting, indirectly you will help your other physical game skills in competition. Regulating your ball speed has key side benefits such as improving your accuracy when making strike deliveries, improving your balance, and developing a consistent pace in your footwork. Since you are a player averaging 170 or less, it is a good idea to control your bowling ball speed for better spare shooting because your primary objective is to raise your bowling scores.

Regardless of your skills, being a very good spare shooter not only helps your scores but also helps you in playing the lanes as you watch your ball react from various delivery angles on the lane. There are numerous spare systems which can help you organize a system of aligning to any spare you might leave. These systems are taught by successful coaches throughout the world and you should choose one and master the system.

Many times, the simplest system works best. It is easy to get fooled into using techniques we watch used on television by the greatest bowlers in the world. In some cases, pros will roll the ball very hard to decrease hook at corner pin spares or to try and convert splits. Using very fast speeds beyond your controllable speed range to make spares requires a lot of practice, timing, and strength. This type of system may not be the best course of action for you. Here are a few tips to improve your spare shooting:

1. Use a system whereby you may roll the same speed as with your strike ball delivery. The benefit here is that your muscles in your bowling arm and legs are conditioned to repeating a consistent delivery motion.

2. Speed control will help you control the skid length of the ball. Controlling your ball speed is as important as releasing your ball at the appropriate angle toward your spare target.

3. Control the pace of your final two steps of your approach which is critical in making accurate deliveries and controlling ball speed when shooting spares. Do not hurry the final two steps, or any steps for that matter, so you can make a consistent and accurate release of your bowling ball. Fear and anxiety while releasing your ball toward critical spares is the common factor causing errant deliveries. Focus on a steady pace of footwork to aide you with speed control to improve your spare shooting accuracy.

4. One key which is seldom articulated is to swing your bowling arm freely and without excessive muscle tension. Try to maintain a consistent tempo with your back swing and forward swing on each delivery so you can regulate ball speed and have time to make an effective delivery to your spare target. Grip the bowling ball with slightly more pressure on your finger pads than with your thumb and maintain consistent gripping pressure throughout your entire swing cycle.

5. Complete your swing to a full follow through position. Avoid thrusting your follow through motion in a hurried or quick motion as to force an errant ball delivery.

We recommend you consult with your personal certified coach/instructor or a local bowling professional to help you develop techniques to control your ball speed and use your spare shooting system effectively. Practice as often as possible if you wish to gain good results.

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