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Concentration In Bowling When It Counts Most

By: Original Publish Date: 10/27/15; Updated 12/14/20

Since you are an advanced and accomplished bowler, you already understand how important the ability to concentrate on what you do on the lanes is key to your success.

In competition, however, concentration in bowling when it counts most is the trick to avoiding a mental overload and falling into a false Zen state of mind.

Focus your attention when you need to prepare for your next shot.

As examples, in leagues, click into a full level of concentration related to the next shot when the the player in front of you completes his or her frame and it then becomes your turn.

There is no need to sit in the settee area and space out, ignore every other person including teammates who might want to speak with you, and go into some transcendental state of mind where you hear or see nothing around you. Not necessary or likely not helpful.

Instead, relax and remain flexible in your social encounters until the time you pick up your bowling ball off of the ball rack in preparation to bowl.

Take a second or two to collect your thoughts, make your decision on alignment and how you wish to physically deliver your ball, visualize a good shot, and then step onto the approach readying yourself to bowl.

Make it that simple.

Don’t overload your circuits trying to use every available second to think about your game with full intensity and focus. That is a formula for burn out and for losing enjoyment in the game.

In tournaments when you are actually bowling for prize monies and an immediate payout of winnings after competition is complete, then you may wish to reduce interaction with fellow opponents and focus more on your game than you do in leagues.

Even in tournaments, however, avoid the temptation to get so involved in your own thoughts that you cannot scan the bowlers around you watching good ball reactions and watching the pace of the event and how things are unfolding so you become part of the energy movement and use the energy in your favor.

Calming nerves usually requires some breathing technique and some degree of isolation from other bowlers but avoid getting too carried away with anything other than when you are stepping near the approach and getting ready to bowl.

Bowling is a mental and a physical game. You need private time to think about playing the lanes and making good shots but you also need fluidity in the ability to make continuous quality shots.

Learn to concentrate when it counts the most and get the full measure of success out of your game.

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