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Capture Video Images Of Your Bowling Game

By:, 1/6/16

As a highly skilled player, if you have not seen yourself bowl on video, then you may be missing an opportunity to learn about your physical game and pinpoint areas of your game to work on during practice.

Capture video of your bowling game.

You have the option of going it alone and spotting things about your game you feel are in need of work. You also have the option to share the video with a good coach or someone knowledgeable you trust with your game.

Either option gives you a chance to see the real way you bowl instead of only guessing how you look when bowling.

The key areas of your game such as your swing path, timing, steps, posture, release and finish position will be easily visible if you capture video from a side view angle of your swing and also from a back view angle to watch the direction your steps take and how your swing path matches your intended target line.

If you get permission from bowling center management, then a third camera angle from 15 feet beyond the foul line with the person taking the video standing on the gutter caps filming about knee level will work nicely.

If you can use a slow motion feature, you can really pinpoint subtle movements in your game which may be assets or detriments to consistent shotmaking.

The modern smart phones usually provide the ability to capture video for short amounts of time. If you can use a friend to capture video when you are bowling from different camera angles, then you can evaluate your game easily enough when the time is right.

If you have a coach video your game, then you can address specific issues related to your game on the spot and work on them immediately.

Some players choose not to use video to work on their game but rather rely on feel and results they get from tweaking their motion.

Others rely heavily on video to create checkpoints key to their game.

It can be very misleading relying only on feel or how you visualize you are bowling.

Video does not present false readings and can be useful in checking keys such as steps length and direction, swing path alignment, release motion, etc., so you can stay on top of your game and best prepare for future competition.

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