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Bowling Trivia Part 1, Originally Posted: 3/6/2014; Updated: 1/13/2023

In a new series of articles, we are going to provide Bowling Trivia Part 1 while adding a touch of history to bring our community readers more information about our wonderful game.
Here is some bowling trivia courtesy of public access information from “Dr. Jake’s Bowling History” online site you may not have known:
Masters Tournament 1951:
The first Masters Tournament was held at the Municipal Auditorium in St. Paul, May 28-June 2, 1951. Formally titled the ABC Clinic and Exhibitions, the field was 32 bowlers.
Joining 8 invited stars were 24 Minnesota bowlers who’d won their spots through local qualifying–8 from St. Paul, 8 from Minneapolis, and 8 from the rest of the state.
The format was double elimination based on three-game matches. The prize money included $20 for each match won.
When tournament leader Lee Jouglard lost to loser’s bracket survivor Joe Wilman 538-531, that meant another match. Then Jouglard defeated Wilman, 660-612, to become the champion.
Top Six Finishers -
1. Lee Jouglard, Detriot, $620., Average 201
2. Joe Wilman, Chicago, $540., Average 202
3. Bill Harish, Minneapolis, $360., Average 204
4. Ben Jackson, St. Paul, $280., Average 195
5. Dick Hoover, Akron, $100., Average 190
6. Frank Lanich, Minneapolis, $80., Average 191
Check out the average scores above for this tournament. Of course, this tournament was contested during the shellac lane finish era and when rubber balls were the only choice of equipment players used.
Each of these players were known for there down and in style of delivery.

Although you may not have heard of any players from this 1951 event, each were among the best in the country at that time.
In the 2014 Masters won by two-handed bowler Jason Belmonte, four of the five finishers used a big hook delivery style to combat the lane conditions and had many, many options of modern bowling balls to use during the finals competition.
Regardless of the era and which equipment was used or how high or low scores were recorded, the fact remains that there will always be a winner regardless of scores or the type of equipment used. This prestigious event continues to be hosted each year.
In this case, 63 years spanned the two events.
If you are a bowling history buff, it is important to understand the connection of the past to modern day events to enjoy a sense of history and learn about the evolution of our sport.
Watch for Part 2 coming next month in the "BowlVersity" section of this site.
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