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Bowling Tips For Novice Bowlers

If you are selecting a new bowling ball as your first ever purchase, then there are a few simple things to consider.

First, select a weight ball which is not too light where you can control the ball so easily that it does not offer enough resistance and you sling or over-throw the ball with no control or accuracy.

The reverse is also important in that selecting a ball too heavy for you only makes it difficult to generate sufficient ball speed to be effective in gaining a controllable ball reaction with enough force at impact with the bowling pins.

Your pro shop professional is trained to help you choose the best weight ball to help you advance in the game.

Getting a properly fitting bowling ball is the next key consideration.

Again, your pro shop operator is equipped to measure your hand and custom fit you to a new ball. The distance apart of the finger holes and thumb hole must conform with your natural span and size of your bowling hand.

The pitch angles and sizes and contours of the gripping holes are vital to having a ball fit your hand properly.

A ball fitting you well helps you develop a consistent release technique and helps your control and accuracy once you learn techniques and fundamentals of the physical game and how to align yourself for strikes and spare shots.

The coverstock, the outer shell of the bowling ball, is your first option in matching a ball with your delivery style and with the lane oil conditions. The coverstock is the most important factor when choosing a new ball.

Rely on your pro shop professionals to help guide you when first deciding on a new bowling ball.

It does not hurt to also take at least one bowling lesson from an experienced bowling instructor to help develop key fundamentals of the game.
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