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Bowling Talent And Enthusiasm, Originally Posted: 12/29/2014; Updated: 7/24/2022

If you have any reasonable level of bowling talent and enthusiasm, you can overcome poor performances, reduce the time it takes to get back on track when your game is off, and still enjoy your time on the lanes.

Make the most out of your enthusiasm, your love of the game, and get to the practice lanes to keep your game tuned to the levels your talent deserves.

Many things in life are cyclical and bowling is not different.

Some days you may feel like you can do no wrong on the lanes while on others, no right.

When emotion levels are down and you struggle to find the interest to work on your game, you can rely on your love of the game to get you through.

This love of the game is made possible by enjoying good performances in competition and through the amount of effort required to perform at a high relative standard.

Emotions are simply part of human nature.

On days when you have that bowling fever and cannot wait to bowl, try and use this time to practice the strengths of your game.

Bolster your talent during practice by building a strong base mechanism to help you endure the good and bad performances.

You can score well being at 80% of your best performance level during competition.

Enthusiasm for the game keeps you coming back regardless how you perform. Your love for the game drives you to excel through dedicated practice.

It is, however, your talent which shows up at its best when all these emotions are combined and merged into your unwavering zest for the game.

The winning formula is simple; work hard at improvement, recognize you will not be at your peak performance every outing, and trust in your talent when you feel overwhelmed under the pressure of competition.

In short, if you have the fever to win and you put in the effort to sharpen your skills, your bowling talent and enthusiasm will propel you to victory.

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