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Bowling Steps And Swing

By:, Originally Posted: 4/17/17; Updated 1/7/21

Your bowling steps and swing should be synchronized so each shot you make repeats in tempo, and each movement occurs at the same relative time each shot. Consistency is key in bowling!

Not only is coordinating your steps and swing important to good timing, your body balance while bowling is also a key factor in making consistently quality shots.

With your steps and swing moving at a steady pace, it gives you your best chances at retaining good balance while walking and swinging your bowling ball.

One technique leads to the success of the other.

Additionally, when you are in time with your swing and steps plus when you bowl with good body balance, your muscles tend to be relaxed and not forcing any particular movement in releasing your bowling ball.

Accuracy implies making a good shot in a series of good shots, not just one good random shot.

Establishing a consistent bowling ball speed is another factor in consistently accurate shotmaking.

With a consistent ball speed after you lock in on the speed you wish to use on a given lane condition, you have the ability to control your ball skid distance and your overall ball reaction.

Trust your normal release style, regulate your ball speed, and allow your swing to repeat in a free and loose motion with little muscle tension and with matching paced steps. Reducing your levels of excitement or anxiety when bowling in competition also contributes to relaxed muscles and a steady and smooth tempo. There are so many interrelated movements in bowling that it is usually best to monitor your tempo and ball speed while making shots. Focus on one good shot at a time and things will take care of themselves. Take a deep breath, relax, and bowl!


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