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Bowling Shoulder Elevation

Publish Date: 10/13/15

If you are an advanced and skilled player, then setting your bowling shoulder in a dropped position can help you find the forward swing path slot to guide your bowling ball down the lane properly.

The amount you hook the ball helps you to determine your bowling shoulder elevation.

As example, if you are a fairly straight direction player (one using a “stroker” type delivery technique) with a low rev rate and a high axis tilt, then your ball likely does not require a major delivery path angle down the lane.

Players like you can then pre-set the bowling shoulders at a fairly even elevation from the floor with perhaps only a half of an inch of lowered bowling shoulder angle. You would also minimize the shoulder rotation open-to-close as you swing the ball and walk to the line.

Stroker type players generally use a fairly small delivery path angle from the release to the mid-lane because the ball tends not to hook too early unless the lanes are dry and where adjustments are required.

On the other side of the coin, if you are a power player hooking the ball a greal deal, then you will need to feed the ball down the lane at a wide delivery angle path to avoid getting an early ball reaction due to your rev rate or possible low axis tilt which causes your ball to cross and cover many boards.

Power players will frequently use a much lower shoulder elevation tilt, as much as two to four inches of lower tilt.

In this case, the bowling shoulder is significantly lower than the non-bowling shoulder and typically the player will rotate the bowling shoulder very open at the top of the backswing and then close briskly as the downswing reaches the delivery zone near or at the bottom of the forward swing arc.

The opening and closing shoulder motion throughout the swing cycle is what creates the body torque in the swing and ultimately the power.

In between delivery style players will generally use limited shoulder tilt with a moderate ball delivery path angle.

It is important to identify your best delivery path angle on ranges of lane conditions based on your release technique and the amount you hook the ball.

You may have to adjust the amount of lowered bowling shoulder tilt which matches best for the angle you are playing on the lane which can range from the 5th arrow, as example, to the first arrow where the ball paths vary considerably.

It is best to work with your coach periodically to double check your swing path alignment and your shoulder levels. Bowling on house conditions, which can be very forgiving, might lead to a false alignment which still works but can eventually cause you problems on challenging competitive lane conditions

Make sure you do not use a false alignment positioning on the approach based on where you are sighting and where your ball travels from the release point to the mid-lane and then on to the breakpoint.

False alignment means you might be tempted to stand too deep and use a severe ball path angle to avoid early hook which may cause you to lose effective ball reaction and create poor pin carry. Sometimes a simple change of a bowling ball and/or layout would allow you to use a more direct attack angle and thereby be more effective.

Avoid the temptation of getting so familiar with and comfortable with how you play the lanes in your leagues that you do not check your bowling shoulder elevation level and your delivery path angles on given competitive lane conditions.

It is always all about getting alignment properly and gaining a good ball reaction. Pay attention to the details and learn what is best for your game.

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