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Bowling Pitfalls To Avoid

By:, Originally Posted: 2/26/16; Updated: 12/13/2023

If you are averaging about 165 - 175 and are striving to improve your game, then be alerted to bowling pitfalls to avoid.

Avoid trying to do more than your experience, skills, and general abilities allow. On the other hand, try and use skills and techniques you have worked to develop to your full advantage during competition.

Whichever is the case, you must utilize your resources and bowl intelligently. Here are a few pitfalls to avoid:

*Practicing with no plan or no strategy - Use your practice time wisely to learn which adjustments work best in given situations so when you face the situation in competition, you will know what to do and which adjustment to your techniques gives you the best chance at success.

*Not trusting your decisions and judgement in competition - As example, alignment and adjustments as your ball reaction changes are important decisions to make. Once you decide which adjustment gives you the best chance to regain a dependable ball reaction, trust your decision.

*Not practicing to tune the best elements of your physical game - Unless you practice each of your strongest techniques you risk losing efficiency when bowling in competition.

It is in practice that you build your game. In competition, you must trust your game.

*Not preparing your bowling ball equipment - Bowling ball surfaces are very important parts in gaining a reliable ball reaction. Not developing and using a routine ball surface maintenance strategy can be harmful to achieving desired results when bowling in competition.

*Avoid stubbornness and telling yourself you can throw the ball better even if you continue getting a bad ball reaction or make the same physical mistakes over and over.

If you are getting a poor ball reaction in spite of adjustments you know should work, change bowling balls.

If you do nothing other than change bowling balls, you will at least “press the adjustment re-set button” and give yourself a chance to make new, fine-tuning adjustments to hit the pocket again.

*Avoid working on too many things at one time - Work on what you know needs to be addressed in competition and do so on the practice lanes.

Practice with a purpose. Organize your practice sessions and work on game skills you know are your strongest assets.

The bowling pitfalls to avoid are generally not trusting your game skills. Bowl intelligently. Trust in your skills and use them wisely when it really counts the most.

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