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Bowling Form And Good Balance, Originally Posted: 8/3/2014; Updated: 10/1/2022

If you are struggling with keeping balance when you bowl, there is an easy tip you can use when practicing and when your scores do not matter.
Regardless of your bowling average or experience level, bowling in competition under pressure tends to cause players to hurry their steps or their swing and release resulting in poor shots.
Your objective should be to keep good balance when walking to the line and while releasing your bowling ball.
Keeping your head and upper body as still as possible during your approach is key to good balance. It is vital to remain as motionless with your head and torso at the very moment you release your ball.
If you wait for your swing when sliding into the foul line and do not rush your delivery, it is possible to hold your posture during and after you let the ball go.
Remaining motionless with your body (other than with your swing motion) and holding your form for a second or two after releasing your ball and while your bowling ball travels to your sighting target on the lane is a drill you can use in practice sessions to make certain you are keeping good balance.
Setting up with good upper body posture in your stance and then maintaining this posture while walking to the line gives you the best chance to also hold your form after the ball leaves your hand.

When your swing reaches the completed follow-through position after you have released your ball, hold that form until the ball contacts the pins.
If you can hold your form in balance for 3 seconds after releasing your ball while you are practicing, then you can easily hold your form in competition for a mere one second of time.
If you are able to do practice technique five or ten consecutive deliveries, you will most certainly have a solid platform from which to make accurate deliveries, particularly when you face pressure situations in competition.
Maintaining balance and holding your posture while walking to the line and letting your ball go is the backbone of good shotmaking.
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