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Bowling Fever, Originally Posted: 11/2/2014; Updated: 8/18/2022

If you have the bowling fever, then understand that is the best time to work on your game.
Make the most out of your resurgence of enthusiasm for bowling and get to the practice lanes and tune up your game.
Many things in life are cyclical and bowling is not different. Some days you may feel like you can do no wrong on the lanes and other days you feel like you never bowled before. The brain can play tricks on us.
Also, there is the emotional side of things where one day you do not care if you bowl again and another day you can’t wait to get to the lanes. These emotions are simply part of human nature.
On days when you have that bowling fever and cannot wait to bowl, try and use this time to practice key elements of your game that you typically do not practice.
If your budget allows only 6 games of practice money, then practice 3 games twice with a day between. Getting out to bowl multiple times is better than one long practice session.
Practicing multiple times within a given week plus bowling in your league gives your bowling hand time to build a feel for the ball frequently as opposed to periodically.
Use your practice games wisely and first identify the important keys to your footwork, swing cycle, and release that you need to mold into your bowling brain memory.
As opposed to just tossing shots in practice and playing for game score, focus instead on the things you must rely on during competition.

Use the high in emotion to bowl you are experiencing to an advantage and work on your skill set in practice sessions.
If you work with a coach, all the better. Get with your coach while your zest for the game is peaking. Attack the points of of practice your coach recommends. Make your practice shots count toward developing your game skills.
If you have the bowling fever, then use it to propel you into higher scores. Get to the practice lanes and bowl with enthusiasm.
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