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Bowling Efficiency, Originally Posted: 7/3/2013; Updated: 6/3/2021

We have all heard the term “keep things simple.” In bowling, this means to not jam too many unnecessary thoughts that complicate your task of performing to a high standard during competition.
Keep things simple. Being an efficient bowler means using the keys to your game which have been well rehearsed during dedicated practice sessions. Trust them during competition.
Bowling is a mental and a physical game. Learning how to concentrate on your game during competition and making good decisions when adjustments are needed is a process successful players master.
You can easily derail your game by over thinking each step of your approach and all the fundamental details of your physical game while trying to bowl.
Instead, just focus on making a smooth beginning to your approach, a good finish when releasing your bowling ball, and between zoom in on your sighting target.
Any additional or extraneous thoughts while under duress can only lead to complicating matters and possibly to an errant delivery.
Your practice sessions are the “playground” for experimentation. You work on all the important aspects of your game in practice. During competition trust your instincts and your skills, whether it be in leagues or tournaments.
To keep an even keel emotionally while under the bowling gun, trust your physical game and rely on your decisions when making adjustments as you go.
Pro bowlers are adept at playing the game in front of them and trusting their abilities to make enough good deliveries. Trusting your adjustments and lane play decisions as do the pro bowlers will lead you to success.

This concept of paying more attention to the game beyond the foul line will de-emphasize the pressure of making good shots and place greater focus on playing the lanes effectively.
Bowling efficiency is the notion of keeping things as simple as you can while you bowl. Retain an even temperament through the highs and lows of competition.
Make crisp decisions about playing the lanes during your competitive sessions.
Performing well when under pressure is key to bowling well and winning. Since there are many reasons why bowlers experience pressure to perform to a high standard, being an efficient bowler will allow you to maximize your talents when they are most needed. Keep it simple.
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