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Bowling Cool

By:, Originally Posted: 6/24/17; Updated: 12/17/2020

If you are prone to emotion on the lanes, then it is important to become bowling cool.

If the pressures of competition subject you to outbursts of anger or stress, it is time to take stock in things and realize that no bowling situation should adversely affect your ability to relax and enjoy the game.

Not being a pro bowler means you are not earning a living bowling.

There should be little or no reason to overreact if your performances are not what you wish them to be. Not to mention, it can directly affect those around you as well. Be considerate of your fellow bowlers.

Reduce your stress levels. Avoid taking your performances as seriously as you may be doing.

Just come to the realization that poor results or bad breaks are part of the game and every bowler must learn to deal with them.

Anger and frustration are not recipes for success in competition.

If you are a highly competitive player and you dislike losing, don’t carry your performances home with you or affect your teammates just because you are unhappy with the results. Learn from your mistakes and try again.

In other words, don’t demonstrate poor sportsmanship around those with whom you bowl.

It is the simplest strategies which can produce the best outcomes. If you avoid trying to be a “perfectionist” and learn to take things one shot at a time and then move on to the next, your levels of anger or tension will subside.

Those bowlers who can bounce back from adversity are those who usually come out on top in competition.

Bad bowling breaks are part of the game you must confront. Begin by trying to not outwardly show negative emotions. Visualize yourself being composed when bowling in “clutch situations.” Let others around you spoil their parties by becoming angry. Instead, stay bowling cool and level headed.


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Be Bowling Cool

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