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Bowling Concentration, Originally Posted: 6/3/2013; Updated: 6/14/2021

Bowling is a mental and a physical game. Learning how to concentrate on your game during competition and making good decisions when adjustments are needed is a process successful players master.
Performing well when under pressure is key to bowling well and winning. Since there are many reasons why bowlers experience the pressure to perform to a high standard, there are many who fail to do so.
Succumbing to pressure is largely due to an inability to remain focused on key elements of the game. Understanding what causes lapses in concentration can help your bowling performances.
Concentration in bowling is defined as close mental attention to your game. Improving powers of concentration means to apply exclusive attention to one task and enact the mental application to accomplish the task.
Simply, identify key components of your game to monitor along with the challenges the lane conditions present during competition.
Let’s understand something right now - if you are bowling about three hours of competition in league play, it is extremely difficult to keep your mind focused on your bowling and avoid any and all distractions for the entire three hours on the lanes.
However, you can develop the routine of shutting down interaction with fellow players and competitors prior to taking your turn on the lanes. Reserve some personal time a minute or two before your next turn to focus on your making the next shot count.
Losing focus on the game because of distractions stemming from too much interaction with other bowlers can be detrimental to your success.

Since we have only so much energy to dedicate to any athletic endeavor, it makes sense to conserve the energy for when it is needed. Preparation for your next shot requires focusing on what it will take to make a good delivery, and nothing else.
Most coaches recommend not to scoreboard watch, but rather to think about your next delivery and on the challenges the lane conditions present. Since you cannot do anything about frame scores previously recorded, it makes sense to zoom in on making a good shot your next turn.

Since the key to bowling well is manage your physical game and lane conditions during competition, reducing the number of things you think about between frames and between games enables you to concentrate on the important tasks at hand.
Key on perhaps one or two critical components of your physical game. Monitor these components when stepping onto the approach and while walking to the foul line. Isolate thoughts to your bowling ball delivery process while keeping your eyes firmly engaged with your sighting target.

Find the couple of keys you rely on and focus on these keys with a fierce commitment to execute your shot the best you can.
Cluttering your mind with too many physical game thoughts will only lead to confusion or the inability to repeat good deliveries. Think instead of making one good delivery at a time and then move on to what it will take to make one good delivery your next turn.

Monitoring the challenges beyond the foul line is another essential ingredient in bowling concentration. Making good lane adjustments as needed is certainly an important part of the game.

One trick to making good adjustments during competition is to watch your ball reaction extremely carefully until your ball contacts the pins and leaves the pin deck. Watch the pin action as well and exactly where the ball contacted the pins in relation to the pocket.
React to what you see and what you feel after each delivery. Trust your assessment of each shot and prepare for the next.

You must train your mind as well as your body. The training grounds are your practice sessions. On the practice lane is where you can improve your personal powers of concentration.
During practice sessions, bowl with awareness. The entire process of targeting on the lane requires as much focus and concentration as does monitoring your physical game.
By developing the habit of total concentration on lane play and on your physical game during practice and carrying it over to competition will improve the quality of your shot making.
The building blocks to winning are developed from a positive attitude, your ability to concentrate, and from good habits formed in practice.

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